The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong is a leading comprehensive research university with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West. Its lush 134-hectare campus overlooks the scenic Tolo Harbour just north of Shatin. The University has its origin in three colleges—New Asia College (founded in 1949), Chung Chi College (founded in 1951), and United College (founded in 1956). In 1963, the three colleges were amalgamated to form The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a fourth College, Shaw College,
was established in 1986. Recently, four new colleges: Morningside College, S.H. Ho College, C.W. Chu College, and Wu Yee Sun College, have joined the CUHK family. CUHK has 61 academic departments under eight faculties/schools — Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science, and Social Science. The Graduate School was set up to coordinate postgraduate studies in 1966, a year after the launch of its first graduate programme in 1965. The University’s first doctoral programme was introduced in 1980. CUHK currently offers 117 undergraduate programmes and 247 postgraduate programmes. It has a total student enrolment of 20,256, of whom some 51 per cent are undergraduate students. The total enrolment of higher degree students in December 2006 was 9,972.The Chinese University has a long bilingual (Chinese and English) and multicultural tradition. 

The vast majority of its teaching staff are bilingual and hail from all over the world. There are 22 research institutes and a large number of research or consultancy units at CUHK. Each year, research activities attract substantial competitive funding from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, local industry, and other local and overseas sponsors, including the National Institutes of Health in the US. The University has formal links with prestigious institutions on the mainland and overseas. Each year, it hosts international conferences on a wide range of topics to promote academic exchange.The Chinese University strives to nurture top quality graduates to serve the increasingly sophisticated needs of society and to contribute to the pool of human knowledge through research.