
In 1896, when expanded program offerings brought the College university status, the College of New Jersey was officially renamed Princeton University in honor of its host community of Princeton. Four years later, in 1900, the Graduate School was established
Academic Departments & Programs
Degree-granting Departments & Programs
The University has 34 academic departments that grant both undergraduate and graduate degrees. In addition, students can be admitted into a number of degree-granting Masters or Ph.D. programs.Undergraduate Certificate Programs
The following programs offer certificates of proficiency to students who are interested in pursuing focused study that supplements the primary work of their concentrations.
African American Studies, Center for
African Studies
American Studies
Applications of Computing
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Architecture and Engineering
Contemporary European Politics and Society
Creative Writing, U. Center for the Creative and Performing Arts
East Asian Studies
Engineering and Management Systems
Engineering Biology
Engineering Physics
Environmental Studies
European Cultural Studies
Geological Engineering
Hellenic Studies
Judaic Studies
Language and Culture
Latin American Studies
Materials Science and Engineering
Medieval Studies
Musical Performance
Near Eastern Studies
Quantitative and Computational Biology
Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Russian and Eurasian Studies
South Asian Studies
Teacher Preparation
Theater and Dance, U. Center for the Creative and Performing Arts
Translation and Intercultural Communication
Urban Studies
Visual Arts, U. Center for the Creative and Performing Arts
Women and Gender
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Other Undergraduate Programs
The following interdisciplinary programs sponsor courses to supplement the primary work of undergraduate concentrations.
Canadian Studies, Committee for the Fund on
Human Values, University Center for
International and Regional Studies, Princeton Institute for (PIIRS)
Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
Science & Technology, Council on
Ph.D. Concentrations
While all Ph.D. degrees are offered by a degree-granting department or program (listed above), Ph.D. research may be concentrated in one of the following interdisciplinary programs. Joint degree programs with cooperating professional schools are also available.
African American Studies, Center for
African Studies
Ancient World
Classical Archaeology
Classical Philosophy
Cognitive Studies
East Asian Studies
Environmental Engineering and Water Resources
Environmental Institute, Princeton (PEI)
Hellenic Studies
History of Science
Italian Studies
Latin American Studies
Materials Science and Technology (PRISM)
Media and Modernity
Medieval Studies
Near Eastern Studies
Plasma Science and Technology
Political Economy
Political Philosophy
Quantitative and Computational Biology
Renaissance Studies